AMERICA… I know how to unite 300 million Americans to save the American union... even after Donald Trump's election.
Given how divided America is right now, that might seem like an impossible task.
But it's not.
23 years ago, I began working on...
The Nonviolence Solution to Terrorism.
And my work on that idea kept leading me back to this one idea---
Hundreds of Thousands of Drug Overdose Deaths, The Increase in School Shootings & All The Other Horrific Mass Killings, The Rise of Hate in America and So Much More... were a direct result of America's Failure to fight and win THE WAR OF IDEAS that began on 9.11.
So... I literally gave all that I had to give in order to create a "WAY" for America to finally fight and win the war of ideas and the more work I did on this Inspired idea... the clearer it became to me that what America desperately needed was a true alternative to...
My new venture called...
Freice Media… IS... HOW...
Trump Voters and Sanders Voters and The Never Trumpers and the rest of The Right, Left and Center unite to finally hold ALL of America's politicians accountable for 23 years of Endless-war and the trillions and trillions of dollars they spent making The World a bloody mess...
while making an absolute mess of America by ripping US apart every chance they got so they could have their precious Power, Profit and Privilege.
WE ALL KNOW... those who love Hate... constantly share Hate filled manifestos so like-minded individuals can rally around Hate.
TODAY… I share an idea called ‘Strategic Equality’ and this massive 388 tweet strategic plan to…
Because IT’S FINALLY TIME for The World’s other team to unite and rise too.
When Abraham Lincoln needed help saving…
He repurposed the moral authority of The Declaration of Independence and America’s Founding Promise of Equality.
‘Save The Union’ with The Idea of Equality.
In the dark 23 years since the September 11th attacks... America's civilian political leadership had absolutely NO choice... but to fight and WIN 'the war of ideas' that began on September 11th. AND they didn't.
Sure, in our name they killed many, many, many terrorists including Osama bin Laden... and lots of innocent men, women and children who happened to be in close proximity to the terrorists. But they failed to... KILL THE IDEAS... that give rise to the terrorists.
In fact, they didn't even try to...
Instead 'they' tried to make war... NICE... by building roads, bridges and schools in foreign lands filled with people who hate US for killing innocent Muslims. And we did all that while America's roads, bridges and schools crumbled.
23 years after 9.11 it's up to US... you and me...
to finally give KILLING THE IDEAS a try.
Strategic Equality is about dreams and what it sometimes takes to make a dream come true... IN A POST-9.11 WORLD.
It's a 'magic ladder'- and a piece of the missing common ground between Islam, Christianity and Judaism... Non-Believers and Believers... the Left and Right... and between America and the rest of the World...
including Russia.
It's an idea for using the power of myth, metaphor, imagination, conspiracy theory and Social Media to re-shape reality and Re-Brand America.
It's a philosophical string theory of a sort... where every person has value and every person has a role.
It's not about me... it's about you and me. It's about US. It's about The Power of Inspiration and Redemption in our lives. It's about doing the right thing... just because it's the right thing and even when no one is looking.
It's not a story about 'turning lemons into lemonade'.
It's a story about turning lemons into something much better... like lemon cream pie. But when it's all said and done, let's all hope Strategic Equality is just another American Dream come true.
Think back to 1999. All anyone could talk about back then was The Internet and all of the possibilities that came with it. Sure, there was an Internet Bubble... but personal productivity was at an all-time high, and unemployment rates were at historic lows.
The Sky... was literally the limit. Now, take a quick look at The Post 9.11 World... Endless-War, unsustainable worldwide debt, rampant political, economic and social corruption... Nuclear Proliferation, nuclear meltdowns, bloody unrest, chaos or danger in Turkey, Ukraine, Nigeria, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Libya, Pakistan, India, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, North Korea, Yemen, Sudan, Darfur, France, Greece, Norway, Denmark, Belgium... AND... Tunisia. 'The London Fire'... Famine in Somalia... Child Bullying... Internet Predators... School Shootings, Sky High College and High School Dropout Rates... Obesity... Red and Blue States... The Drug Wars in Mexico... The 'occupation' of Wall Street... The 'Super PAC' attempted takeover of American politics... 'Pink Slime' fed to school children... The Patriots Day Boston Marathon Attack... The Charlie Hebdo Attack... America's Opioid Crisis... Race Based Protests Across America... The Charleston Church Shooting... the race based Virginia 'TV Shooting'... AND... The European Migrant Crisis... AND... THE PARIS ATTACK... AND... THE LAS VEGAS MASSACRE… AND… The Christchurch Mosque Attack… AND… AND… AND… AND… AND… PICK YOUR POISON... AND... NOW... THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS... AND... THE WAR IN UKRAINE... AND... THE IRAN/HAMAS ATTACK ON HUMANITY AND THE RESULTING WAR.
And now The ISIS Attack on New Orleans.
How did we get to this ugly place?
A universal shift of consciousness took place when our attention turned towards the darkness of terrorism and war and the costs of war and away from meeting our sacred obligation to pay close attention to the times we live.
September 11th or not... new technology, specifically social networking technology was going to have a deep, dramatic impact on humanity for good or for bad. It was our responsibility to make sure things went well. But after September 11th...
We all dropped the ball.
To make a very long story short... I began crafting Strategic Equality the day after the events of September 11th 2001... without any idea how things would turn out.
Let's face it, back then none of US had any idea what would come next.
Back then 'They' told US that this fight wasn't a fight with Islam... and they were right. It isn't. They told US it was a 'war of ideas'. And it is. But twenty-three years have gone by, and America isn't the same nation we were before the attack.
Not even close.
Together we are much worse off today than we were on 9-12... in too many places and in too many ways. We are clearly losing this war of ideas with Osama bin Laden and his ilk. Al Qaeda and ISIS and Hamas are fighting for hearts, minds and souls. And on this front, they are winning... all across the globe.
How is this so?
Not so long ago, "Allahu Akbar" is what two murderous thugs said on a street in London, when they used a meat cleaver to decapitate an off-duty British Soldier. And to the delight of Muslin Extremists everywhere the bloody aftermath and cold-blooded rant... was all caught on tape and the video went 'viral'.
That's how this disease spreads... 'in this modern world'. And while you might have believed for a while that you were immune to this disease... consider for a moment how many videos showing the slaughter of innocents any one person can consume, before they decide that they can't take any more.
What to do before the disease that consumes Our Good Nature spreads to You?
This modern life that we live, arose from the spread of The Spirit of Equality... and 'the endless-war' that began on 9-11 was started by a group of murderous thugs who also chanted "Allahu Akbar" as they fought and died for the right to keep all women as uneducated servants.
No matter what 'they' claim, that's all this whole fight is about.
This 'fight' that we are engaged in today is just another in the long line of fights against people who will do whatever it takes to make sure that their dream of a world where the strong rule the weak in every corner of the world...
comes true.
Who wins this fight and the Endless-war... all depends upon who proves more committed to their dreams in... THE END... because in this fight, you can't 'stop terrorism' you can only replace it with a better idea.
What idea?
It's the Idea that ALL PEOPLE are created Equal.
'Great light and beauty' began to make its way in the world on the day The Declaration of Independence was signed and the promise of equality for... ALL... was made.
Yes, it is true that making Our Founder's Inspired words true... hasn't been easy. But it has always only been a matter of degrees and time before that dream came true.
My fellow Americans... the scourge of Muslim Extremism will NOT fall to the invading armies of an American president.
No, Muslim Extremism will quietly die... OVER TIME... under the spell of Muhammad's Poison Pill.
Shortly before his death The Prophet Muhammad delivered his “Final Sermon” in Mecca. What beautiful idea did The Prophet want his followers to pass on to future generations?
The Idea of Equality of course.
The Idea of Equality... IS... The Prophet Muhammad's final teaching.
The Idea of Equality... IS... unacceptable to Muslim Extremists.
The Idea of Equality... IS... The Prophet Muhammad's Poison Pill.
The Idea of Equality... IS... the idea that will finally change EVERYTHING for good when... WE... finally draw 'The Battle Line' in the right place.
When we draw the battle line on Equality... ALL TRUE FOLLOWERS... of The Prophet Muhammad will line-up on our side and we can finally bring all this nonsense to an end.
IT'S TRUE... WE WIN... 'The War of Ideas'... by making this fight for the soul of man, a fight to spread The Idea of Equality.
So, let's do all we can do to make the case to The World that together, 'We'... have finally reached the long-awaited stage in human and technological development to actually prove that the word "all"...
really does mean ALL.
And then explain to The World that...
There is a single 'fiery' thread of inspiration that began with The Signing of The Declaration of Independence in 1776.
AND... The fire that burned in the belly of those who fought in America's Revolutionary War is the same 'Flame' that burned inside those who fought for The Union in The Civil War and was also inside of those who fought for racial equality in The Civil Rights Movement.
AND... 'The Flame' now fuels the unrest in Ukraine, Asia, The Middle East and Africa and has finally spread to America- once again.
In other words, today it is critically important for everyone in The World to finally understand that a fire will very much remain in the belly of mankind... UNTIL... The Inspired promise of Equality for ALL, that gave way to The American Way, is finally set in stone- not just here in America but throughout the world as well.
AND... It is up to us... YOU and ME to make the very most of this idea BEFORE the fire that consumes Our Good Nature... burns out of control.
As you consider what this all means and... IF... these ideas are worth your time and attention, think for a moment about what you would do... IF... just like me, you also came to believe, that for the first time in human history, advanced technology now makes it possible to do almost anything you can conceive.
Well then maybe, just maybe, you would be willing to spend a little time to find out... IF... it really is possible for YOU to finally make your dream come true... now... today... too.
After all...
What could be more precious to You than a dream come true?